Have you noticed the rise in beer prices? At these prices, you start to wonder what time kickoff is, and there ought to be a few cheerleaders running around. The good news is that Beer 101 is back at Northwest Brewers Supply. Each month, we try to host a hands-on brewing class. Participants get a starter brewing kit and 5 gallons of their beer! If you want to be notified about the next class, sign up at https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSflLuUCB…/viewform…
If you can’t attend the next class, we will keep inviting you until you can. Cheers!
Northwest Brewers Supply was founded in 1987 to supply the ever-growing need for brewing supplies at a reasonable price.
We are located close to I-5 in Burlington, Washington.
The complete beer starter system is designed to economically start you brewing and aIlow you to diversify as brewing experience is gained. All of the equipment is made of FDA food-grade materials and will perform reliably for many years.
Our specialty beer kits are especially designed as an introduction to intermediate brewing. These kits include all ingredients needed to brew your favorite type of beer with ease.
The “Northwest Vintnering Systems” are designed to economically start you making your own wine at home. All of the equipment is made of FDA food-grade materials and will perform reliably for many years.